Pay a parking fine

Parking scam texts

We have recently received reports of residents receiving text messages claiming to be from the Council, asking them to pay a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). These messages include our telephone number.

The Council does not send text messages requesting payment for PCNs.

If you receive a message, do not respond or provide any personal information.

If you are concerned and have any questions or wish to verify your PCN, contact us directly by calling 01793 445500.

To pay for a parking fine you will need the following:

  • The Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) number found on your parking ticket
  • The vehicle registration number

Pay a penalty charge notice online

If you pay for a parking fine within 14 days, you pay the lower amount shown on the ticket.

Other ways to pay your parking fine

You can pay by phone on 01793 464600. This line is available 24 hours.

Challenge a parking fine

If you wish to challenge your penalty charge notice, you should do so within the 14-day discount period.

Lost your parking fine

If you have lost your Penalty Charge Notice please email:

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