Secure email

Microsoft Outlook email

We are changing the way we send secure emails and will start to use Microsoft Outlook Email Encryption, therefore reducing the councils reliance on Egress. This provides an easy and secure way of sending emails. 

When sending encrypted emails internally or to external organisations that uses Outlook, the email will auto decrypt and will appear in the inbox the same way as any non-encrypted emails. When sending encrypted emails to a non-Outlook account for example,, external recipients will need to click on a ‘Read the message’ button and will be given two options to access the encrypted email. This is by either entering their email password or by requesting a single sign in with a one-time passcode.

If you receive an encrypted email, you will be able to reply to the sender with an encrypted reply. 

Make sure that emails are encrypted when replying.

Guidance can be found in the notes on the Office support website.

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