Annual accounts
Latest accounts
Our Annual Statement of Accounts for the financial year are approved as a draft by the Director of Finance and Audit, being the relevant financial officer. The 2023/24 draft was approved on the 31 May 2024. The final version is agreed by the Audit Committee, being the designated Committee, after external audit review.
The statutory deadline for publishing final accounts is currently the 28 February 2025 for 2023/24 accounts.
Public Sector Audit Appointments Ltd have made the appointment of Grant Thornton (UK) LLP to audit the accounts of Swindon Borough Council from 2023/24 to 2027/28.
The annual accounts provide information on our income and expenditure during the year and balances at the year end. They are prepared in accordance with the accounting practice that applies to all local authorities.
The draft statement of accounts for 2023/24 and other related documents can be downloaded below:
- Statement of annual accounts 2023/24 (PDF)
- Public notice - Public inspection of accounts 2023/24 (PDF)
Our 2022/23 Statement of Accounts were approved by the Audit Committee and signed by the Corporate Director of Finance and Audit and authorised for issue on Tuesday, 26 November 2024.
The external auditors provided a qualified opinion as indicated in their reporting, as while the accounts were prepared under proper accounting practice, they give a true and fair view except for assurances on the pension fund valuation. This has no General Fund impact.
- Public notice (PDF)
- Statement of accounts (PDF)
- Audit findings report (PDF)
- Auditor’s annual report (PDF)
Previous years' accounts
The external audit for 2021/22 concluded on 9 June 2023. The final certificate and notice of conclusion of the audit can be found below:
You can also view previous year's accounts in our annual accounts download.
Annual audit letters and reports
The annual audit and inspection letter summarises the conclusions of the council's external auditors and any significant issues arising from their recent audits and inspections.
You can view recent annual audit letters and reports in our financial audit reports download.