Reserve or renew an item from the library

The library catalogue contains details of the books, audiobooks and other items that are held in Swindon's libraries.

There is a charge of £1.60 for adult borrowers to reserve an item.

Children under the age of 11 should not reserve adult items.

MiniReserver subscription

We offer a 90-day MiniReserver subscription for £8.00.  

Subscriptions run from the day payment is taken. This subscription is suitable for anyone who reserves more than five items in 90 days or wants to spread the cost of their annual subscription.

SuperReserver subscription

We offer a one-year SuperReserver subscription for £32.

For this one-off fee, customers can reserve items for the whole year at no further cost. This subscription is suitable for customers who reserve more than 20 items a year. 

You will need to visit either Central Library, Highworth Library, North Swindon Library, Park Library or West Swindon Library, to purchase above subscriptions.

To renew or reserve an item: Log-in to your my library account

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