MMR is the combined vaccine that protects against Measles, Mumps and Rubella (German Measles).
Measles, Mumps and Rubella are highly infectious diseases that can have serious complications. The MMR vaccine protects against these conditions and prevents outbreaks of the diseases.
The MMR vaccine is the safest and most effective way to protect yourself against measles, mumps and rubella.
Since the vaccine was introduced in 1988, these conditions have become rare in the UK. However, cases of measles are rising across England, especially among young children.
MMR vaccine uptake has been declining nationally and in Swindon. Uptake is much lower than the 95% uptake needed to eliminate measles and there have been localised outbreaks of measles in young children in London, the West Midlands and Bristol. It is never too late for children or adults to catch up on any missed MMR vaccinations.
If you are unsure whether you have previously had the vaccine or not, you can check with your GP. Having further doses will not cause any harm.
People should contact their GP practice to book a vaccination appointment. You need 2 doses of the MMR vaccine to be fully protected.
For further information about the individual diseases and vaccination programmes, including the new 'Catch Up' vaccination campaign, visit the NHS MMR vaccine website for more information.
MMR vaccinations for 6 to 11 year olds
From 6 February 2024, parents and carers of unvaccinated and partially vaccinated children aged 6 to 11 will receive a first reminder letter, text or email inviting them to make an appointment with their child’s GP practice for their missed MMR vaccine. From 12 March 2024 second reminders will begin to be sent.
MMR vaccinations for 17 to 30 year olds
Alongside regular MMR vaccinations for babies and children, Swindon is running a programme for those aged 17 to 30 who may have missed out.
Can I have the MMR vaccine if I am pregnant?
As a precaution, the MMR vaccine is not recommended for pregnant women. You should also avoid becoming pregnant for one month after having the MMR vaccine. It is best to let your GP or midwife know if you had the MMR vaccine while you were pregnant. Evidence suggests there will be no harm to your baby, but it is better to let them know.
What are the symptoms of measles?
Measles usually starts with cold-like symptoms, followed by a rash a few days later. Symptoms include a runny nose; cough; conjunctivitis (sore, itchy, watery, red and sticky eyes); and a high temperature. Small white spots may also appear inside the cheeks and on the back of the lips.
Around day three of the illness, a rash of flat red or brown blotches appear, beginning on the face, behind the ears and spreading over the body. The rash looks brown or red on white skin. It may be harder to see on brown and black skin.
There is information on measles on the NHS website. This includes advice to parents and carers on how to check if their child has measles, including photos of the measles rash.
Extremely contagious virus, 90% of unvaccinated people who come into contact with an infected person will catch the disease. Spread through coughing and sneezing. Can linger in the air for up to two hours.
It can cause severe health complications like pneumonia, encephalitis (brain swelling), and in rare cases, death.
Symptoms include high fever, cough, runny nose, red and watery eyes, and a distinctive red rash.
Mumps spreads through infected saliva, sharing items, or other close contact. The risk of spreading the virus increases the longer and the closer the contact a person has with someone who has mumps.
Symptoms include swollen and puffy cheeks, swollen jaw, fever, headache, loss of appetite, muscle aches, and fatigue.
Can lead to inflammation of the testicles in males, inflammation of the ovaries in females, and viral meningitis in some cases. Mumps can also lead to more serious issues such as infertility, pancreatitis and hearing loss.
Before the MMR vaccine, mumps was a leading cause of deafness in children.
Also known as German measles, it is usually milder but poses a significant risk to pregnant women and their unborn babies.
It spreads through airborne droplets from the noses or throats of infected people.
Symptoms include mild fever, sore throat, rash that starts on the face and spreads, swollen lymph nodes.
Complications are severe in pregnant women, especially in the first trimester; as it can lead to miscarriages, stillbirths, and congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). CRS can result in deafness, cataracts, heart defects, intellectual disabilities, and liver or spleen damage.
In response to the surge in measles cases there will be a national MMR call/recall to support the 2023/24 vaccination and immunisation campaign taking place throughout February (from week commencing 5 February 2024) and March 2024.
The NHS campaign will see all parents of children aged from 6 to 11 years contacted encouraging them to make an appointment with their child’s GP practice for their missed MMR vaccine.
The national MMR vaccination reminders will be sent to the parents/guardians of children aged 6 to 11 years who require one or two doses of the vaccine.
The MMR vaccine, protecting against Measles, Mumps, and Rubella, is often associated with childhood immunisation. However, those aged 17 to 30 in Swindon may have missed their vaccinations as children. This age group is often involved in environments like colleges, universities and travelling and this can increases their exposure risks.
If you have never previously had an MMR vaccine or have only had one dose, you should contact your GP surgery to arrange to catch up. MMR vaccines are free. Some GPs in Swindon will be holding clinics for 17 to 30 year olds and you may be contacted direct by your GP. Additional resources and support can be found on the following websites:
We recommend that you check your vaccination history to ensure you’ve been vaccinated. Children should receive their first dose of MMR vaccination when they are one year old and the second dose at 3 years and 4 months. In the first instance, it is best to speak to your parent or guardian to find out if you have been vaccinated.
Alternatively, you can check your vaccination in your childhood medical book (also known as the red book). You can also contact your GP surgery and find out your vaccination status through them. If you are still unsure about your vaccination status, it is safe and recommended that you get the MMR vaccine.
This MMR leaflet from the UK Health Security Agency is available in the following languages: