Infectious diseases and vaccination

Human papilloma virus (HPV)

The vaccine protects against human papilloma virus (HPV) which is the cause of over 70 per cent of cervical cancer cases.

In the UK, around 3,400 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer every year and in 2008 the Government launched a nationwide immunisation programme for 12-13 year old girls to protect against cervical cancer.

HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. It has been estimated that immunising girls before they become infected will prevent up to 400 deaths every year in the UK which is why NHS Swindon offers the vaccination to all girls aged under 18.

The vaccine is administered in two doses, so school nurses have also been doing catch-up clinics to ensure everyone has received all two doses. 

It is important to have both doses of the vaccine to be properly protected.

Further details about the vaccine can be found on the NHS website.

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