Report graffiti

We remove graffiti from publicly-owned buildings and structures in Swindon. We also offer a free service to remove graffiti and tags from private homes in the Borough.

If you wish to report graffiti or request its removal, you can complete the online form below. You will be asked to create a My Account before you can access the form.

Request the removal of graffiti

We will remove offensive or abusive graffiti on council buildings and structures in one working day after it has been reported to us. We will remove non-offensive or non-abusive graffiti from council buildings and structures within 10 working days.

Where graffiti is on privately owned business property or structures, for example; gas tanks, BT or Virgin boxes, electricity and water sub-stations, you should contact the owners of the property to arrange for removal.

Graffiti removal from your home

We offer a free service to remove graffiti from your home. Terms and conditions apply to this service and you must complete a removal of graffiti disclaimer to acknowledge acceptance of them before removal work can done. On receipt of a completed disclaimer, we will schedule the graffiti removal work, which will be done within 28 working days.

There are two types of service:

  • High-pressure jet washing
  • Over-painting

We use over-painting if we believe there may be a likelihood the surface could be damaged by jet washing. If you are concerned about the jet washing option, you may opt for over-painting only by indicating so on the disclaimer.

When you have downloaded and completed the disclaimer, send a scanned copy to us by email to:

Alternatively, you can post it to us at:

Street Cleaning  
Swindon Borough Council 
Waterside Park
Darby Close
Cheney Manor Industrial Estate 

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