Voice and influence panel
The Voice and Influence Panel (VIP) is a group of care experienced young people who use their voices to change things for themselves and others.
A care experienced young person is someone who:
- is no different from any other young adult
- should be listened to and be respected
- should be given the same opportunities as any other young adult
- is 16 to 25 years and has been in the care of Swindon Borough Council
- may live with their foster family, live in supported accommodation or semi-independent or independent accommodation
What do the VIP do?
The VIP meets with other young people (18+) once a month in a safe space to discuss experiences of care and other issues that matter.
The expertise, thoughts, views and ideas are vital in improving services for children and care experienced young people in Swindon.
What to expect at VIP meetings
The VIP ensures that:
- meetings are held online via Teams and also held in person for fun events
- what you say will make a difference
- you are able to give feedback to people in charge of Social Care
- you can discuss issues you want to focus on
- you can make time to socialise and get to know each other
- you will be able build and develop skills for the future and your CV
What work has been done so far?
The VIP have completed lots of projects and consultation work including:
- interviewing professionals, rating services used and providing recommendations for improvements during the CLA/Care Leavers Social Care Inspection week
- giving feedback to improve the services, help and support care experienced young people receive
Joining VIP
If you join the VIP you will:
- get a £20 voucher as a thank you for all your fantastic work for every four hours of meetings you attend
- be able to speak to the people in charge and challenge them to give the best possible support they can
- be able to use your voice to make real, positive change for care experienced young people in Swindon
If you would like to join the VIP, email challengeandparticipation@swindon.gov.uk.
The following documents may also offer further support: