Frequently asked questions: SEND portal for parent and carers

The SEND portal is a secure online resource provided by Swindon Borough Council that enables parents/carers/young people and those professionals working with a child or young person to register and then provide information to the SEND service (in relation to SEND) about a child or young person.

  • Parents and carers
  • Professionals working with a child or young person
  • A young person who is old enough to submit a request or have oversight of their education, health and care plan

You can:

  • request an assessment
  • check the current status and track progress of an education, health and care plan assessment
  • view copies of the education, health and care plan
  • view copies of annual reviews

The portal will provide opportunities to improve processes across education, health and social care with parents and carers and young people, offering greater co-production. Parents and carers will have greater flexibility to have control over how and when they submit information in support of their child’s request and will be provided with regular updates on how things are progressing.

No. Once it has been enabled, the SEND tile will appear in existing accounts.

No. it is one account per child. You can add each child in the SEND tile.

New assessments information and children and young people assessments and EHCPs.

When you sign up for the SEND portal you, and professionals, will be asked to set up two factor authentication, which provides a higher level of security.

To access our SEND portal, two factor authentication means that when you log into the portal, you will need your password and you will be sent a link with a unique code to your email address. 

Please look in your junk email folder as the code may be sent there instead of your inbox. Every time you log in, you will be sent a different unique code. You need both your password and the unique code to log in.

The SEND service has access to your child’s or children’s information. The SEND service can control which portal users, for example, professionals, other organisations and parents and carers, see the SEND information about the child or young person. The SEND service records and adds details to the child or young person’s record, including any professional’s advice that has been requested.

Each parent or carer of the child or young person, and any professionals involved, require authentication. Estranged parents may not be granted access or given only limited access. Required authentication is decided upon on a case by case basis. The level of access granted will depend on how much information can be seen.

If you forget your password, please use the password reset button on the citizen portal log-in page.

If you continue to have problems accessing your account, email: Please include the email address details registered for the SEND citizen portal. This will make it easier for us to find your account.

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