The Swindon Heritage Action Zone

Visit the Railway Village

The works heritage trail logo

The Works Heritage Trail

Visitors to Swindon town centre can take the Works Heritage Trail by following the bronze plaques in the pavements. This 2 mile, mainly flat route stops at 21 points to view interpretative panels about the historic buildings to be seen at that location. You can pick up a paper map or use your phone to access the route at The Works Swindon.

Image showing a visual map of the works walking trail

You can also view a downloadable version of The Works Heritage Trail (PDF)

The Railway Village Museum

Image showing a drawing of the railway village museum front facade

Visit this Victorian cottage at 34 Faringdon Road, Swindon, to step back in time and learn how a Great Western Railway worker would have lived with their family in Swindon circa 1900.

For opening times and guided tours visit the Swindon Heritage Preservation website.

The museum is also available all year round for bespoke heritage experiences for schools and groups or as a unique location for your own event.

To find out more email:

Swindon Heritage Preservation also manages the Central Community Centre and Bakers in Emlyn Square. To rent these historic spaces, visit the website.

Swindon Heritage Open Days

Each year in September, historic buildings and places are open to the public for free all across the UK. Swindon always has an exciting offer of open buildings, events, talks, guided walks.

Plan your visit by visiting the Heritage Open Days website.

Heritage guided tours of the Railway Village

These tours are available all year round and the duration is 45 to 60 minutes. Email Karen Phimister for more information at:

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