Number of people waiting for council housing

This page shows the number of people waiting for housing. They are either on the main waiting list, or the transfer list. People on the transfer list are already in council housing, but seek a different property.

We publish this information every month.

Information on this page may inform your bid for council housing through our choice-based letting system.

The number of people on the housing register waiting list and transfer list on 1 July 2024 was 4,408.

Housing register waiting and transfer list
Band 1 bed 2 bed 3 bed 4+bed Aged 60+
for 1 or 2 bed
Total in band
Band A 246 53 49 14 207 569
Band B 2,368 403 391 45 331 3,538
Band E 0 2 4 1 3 10
Band O 23 3 1 0 264 291
Total 2,637 461 445 60 805 4,408

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