Fleming Way improvements
Impact on journeys from September 2022
Fleming Way closed to all traffic on Sunday, 4 September 2022.
This document shows the traffic diversion routes, temporary bus stop locations and pedestrian routes in place:
Temporary bus stops and new bus diversions have been put in at the request of Swindon Bus Company who will be operating an alternative timetable during the works.
Swindon Bus Company has also published information and a map on the location of town centre bus stops.
To compliment this information, an easy-to-read guide of the bus stops is available in the document below:
While the bus station on New Bridge Close will be closed, this won’t be until after the completion of Fleming Way in autumn 2024, meaning Stagecoach and national service users will not be impacted.
Please note these may be subject to change as the project progresses.
Fleming Way subway closure
The Fleming Way subway will close on 14 August and a diversion route will be put in place and clearly signposted.
The below image shows the planned diversion route for pedestrians going to and from the Parade.
When the upgrade scheme is finished in autumn 2024, Fleming Way will be open to buses, taxis, cyclists and pedestrians. It will no longer be a route for private vehicles and through traffic.
To receive the latest project updates and travel information, you can download a smartphone app called ‘Hello Worx’ managed by our contractor, Colas Projects Ltd. This free app is available from your usual app store.
You can also sign up to the project newsletter for updates, selecting the one called ‘Fleming Way improvements’. Also check our Facebook page and the local media for regular updates on the scheme.
Any specific project queries should still be directed to our project team at FlemingWay@swindon.gov.uk, where a member of the team can answer you directly.