Apply for a sports ground safety certificate
Swindon Borough Council is responsible for issuing safety certificates for any sports ground in the Borough of Swindon which, in the opinion of the Secretary of State, have accommodation for more than 10,000 spectators, or 5,000 in the case of Premiership or Football League grounds.
A safety certificate will set the permitted capacity for the sports ground together with the detailed terms and conditions with which the ground management must comply in order to operate the sports ground at its permitted capacity.
Responsibility for safety
Although the safety certificate is issued by the Council, responsibility for the safety of spectators at the sports ground rests at all times with the sports ground management. This will normally be the owner or the lessee of the sports ground.
The Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act 1987 Act also requires a safety certificate in relation to regulated stands at non-designated sports grounds. A regulated stand is any covered stand with accommodation for 500 or more spectators, whether seated or standing.
How to apply
Please download and complete a Sports Ground Safety Certificate Application Form (PDF)
The completed application form should be accompanied by:
- Risk assessments
- Contingency plans
- Your safety policy for spectators
- The name and qualifications of the safety officer
- Eight full sets of detailed drawings of the stadium
There will be a small fee for the production of the safety certificate.