Apply for a licence to place a skip on the highway

You need a licence to place a skip on a highway. The licence application must be made by the skip hire company. The skip hire company must hold Chapter 8 Signing, Lighting and Guarding cards or certificates.

We advise you to find a contractor registered on the Buy With Confidence scheme.

Information for contractors

A licence costs £78. We need at least five working days to process an application. In an emergency situation, we may grant a licence in less than five working days at a cost of £99.

A licence is valid for 21 days. If you need to place the skip for a longer period, you will need to apply for a new licence before your current licence expires.

You should keep the skip on private property, where possible. We allow only one skip on a highway at a time unless there are any exceptional circumstances. You can go to the roadworks website to check if there is any skip currently placed on the highway. It is an offence, under section 139 of the Highways Act, to place a skip before the permitted date.

Before making an application, you must also make yourself familiar with the terms and conditions for this licence. We will charge £75 if we find you in breach of these terms and conditions. Please ensure you are applying to the correct authority for your licence as the application fee is non-refundable.

What you'll need

While making an application, you will need to upload a copy of:

  • your public liability insurance certificate for at least £10 million

To place building materials on the highway, you also need to apply for section 171 licence.

If you have any query, e-mail

Apply for a licence to place a skip

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