SEND Local Offer - Swindon Down's Syndrome Group

Swindon Down's Syndrome Group
34 Periwinkle Close
01793 538335
Visit website
Location map
Opening times
Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm
Client groups
We support families with a child with Down’s syndrome and adults with Down’s syndrome
Service summary
We work hard to raise awareness of the work we do to support people with Down’s syndrome, providing information, help and activities to them and their families Our purpose is to help people with Down’s syndrome to have the same opportunities as everyone else. We offer support from the moment a child is born right through to adulthood and beyond. We have tailor-made resource packs to help parents at every stage of their child’s development. We connect people to essential services available in our local area. Our toddler groups, youth club and family activity days allow our members to regularly meet with each other and build their own network We provide regular group activities for our people with Down’s syndrome, giving them a great opportunity to socialise and make friends. From term time football training to weekly tennis sessions; fortnightly and holidays swimming sessions to our Salamander Fire Course; and regular parties and family trips &