Self-service machine installed at Council-run sheltered housing scheme

A trial is underway to help sheltered housing residents access council services without them having to leave the comfort of their own home.

Published: Thursday, 1st February 2024

self-service machine at sheltered housing

Swindon Borough Council has installed a customer self-service machine into Council-run Harold Thorpe Gardens on an initial temporary basis to allow residents to report housing repairs, check their accounts and access information on the Council’s website.

The machine will help residents who struggle to access council services online. After it was put in place, residents received a hands-on demonstration on how to use the machine and access information.

If the trial is successful, more machines will be installed at other Council-run schemes across the Borough.

Lesley Pearce, a resident who lives at Harold Thorpe Gardens, said: “It’ll be a lot easier. I will use it, when I’ve got an issue, if I need a repair. The staff are nearby so they’ll be helpful.

“It’s an easy thing, if everyone uses it, it’ll be a good thing.”

Councillor Janine Howarth, Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing, said: “This is the first self-service machine installed in sheltered accommodation and if it’s successful we’ll roll out more.

“Installing these machines will allow people to not feel so isolated, and allow those who don’t have smart phones or tablets to access the Council’s services.

“While a lot of our services are online, this machine is intended to help make the process easier. However, residents will still be able to phone up and speak to staff if they need to or prefer to.”

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