Big-hearted Swindon residents can give local children the start they deserve in life
A renewed appeal for foster carers is being launched in Swindon as part of a drive by the Borough’s local authority to improve the life chances of the children in its care.
Published: Monday, 2nd October 2023
Currently, more than 120 children and young people are living miles away from Swindon, separated from their family and friends because Swindon Borough Council does not have enough local foster carers who can provide a loving home.
But the Council is hoping to change that by encouraging people to take the first step to see if foster caring is for them.
Children may live with their foster family for anything from several days to a couple of months or even several years depending on the needs of the child. Carers can offer other types of support from emergency support and people who can provide respite care.
As of July this year, there were more than 300 children, from babies to teenagers, who were under the care of the Council because they could not stay in their own home.
Forty-one per cent of these children were placed more than 20 miles away as there are not enough carers in Swindon for those children to stay in the town they call home.
Ten-year-old Max is one of those children. He was removed from his family after suffering neglect and physical aggression.
Max and his brother had to move more than 100 miles away from Swindon because there weren’t any local foster carers for them. Max’s needs are complex, and he requires therapeutic support. He’s now in a children’s home, living away from his brother.
Some of the Council’s foster carers have spoken of their joy at being able to positively shape a young person’s life.
Caroline, 35, has been fostering for less than a year. She said: “It’s a long road but only 10 months in we are seeing a real change in the young person with us. The most rewarding part is seeing the change in the children.
“It’s the little things like when you hear them using your words to another child in a positive way. It’s when you see them becoming a part of the family and feeling comfortable and at home.”
Sharon has been fostering with the Council for a number of years. She said: “Fostering to me is a lot of laughter and joy, with the pleasure of celebrating each and every small reward of seeing them overcome challenges. There are no words to express how you feel as you watch a child achieve even the smallest thing.”
Forty-two-year-old Chris said: “Since transferring to Swindon from an Independent Fostering Agency we have been very impressed with the diversity and frequency of training available to carers. The ‘Men Who Foster’ support group is a new and positive experience. We are able to support the young people who stay with us for short breaks in their home town and facilitate family time and schools locally.”
Councillor Paul Dixon, Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Children's Social Care, said: “If you take the rewarding step to become a carer, we promise you’ll never be alone. Our team will support you every step of the way and you’ll become part of our strong network of foster carers, receiving all necessary training and support.
“If you are interested, we are inviting you to head over to our fostering page on the Swindon Borough Council website, give us a call or join one of our fostering information sessions.”
In July, the Council’s Cabinet agreed to increase the basic foster carer allowances. Swindon Borough foster carers now get paid up to £708 per child, per week, depending on the carer’s skills and the needs of the child. And as carers develop their skills, their payments will also increase.
The Council’s foster carers come from all walks of life. They can be married, single or living with a partner, regardless of sexuality or gender. Foster carers can have any employment status. They can live in rented or their own accommodation, and it doesn’t matter if they have their own children or pets.
To qualify, the respective foster carer must be 21 or over, have a spare bedroom and be in good health to meet the needs of the child.
The fostering team run regular information sessions that people can pop along to so they can find out more about what fostering is all about, the support they’ll receive and how the application process works.
The next sessions are on Tuesday, 10 October and Wednesday, 25 October. Anyone interested in attending should visit call 07917 503447 or email