Kirby Close subway underneath Queens Drive to be replaced with signalised toucan crossing
Works are expected to begin on Monday, 1 August to close the subway near Kirby Close, and replace it with a toucan crossing.
Published: Friday, 15th July 2022
The southbound carriageway will also be reduced to one lane for a short section to accommodate the crossing, which will provide a safe passage for both pedestrians and cyclists. Sections of the road on Queens Drive will also be resurfaced.
The existing bus stop in the parking lay-by in the southbound carriageway will be moving to the small lay-by, south of Whitbourne Avenue, on Queens Drive. This relocation will give it a dedicated bay, improving passenger experience as the current lay-by is frequently used by parked cars. During the work, there may be temporary bus stops or bus stop closures, and local bus companies will be communicating these on the stop itself and online when necessary.
Starting the first week of August, the contractor, Knights Brown Construction Ltd, will be putting temporary traffic measures in place, such as lane closures and speed restrictions for the safety of their team and the public moving through the area. The subway will remain open in the first few weeks to allow pedestrians to continue crossing the road until the new crossing is built. Pedestrian diversion routes will be signposted when necessary to ensure access is maintained during the construction. Access to the parking lay-bys and driveways will also be maintained.
The work is expected to be completed later this year in October. Updates of the work will be communicated in our newsletter, Highways News.
Councillor Kevin Parry, Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Waste Collection and Disposal and Highways Maintenance, said: “The existing subway does not meet modern safety and accessibility standards and is becoming increasingly more expensive to maintain. The new signalised pedestrian crossing will better suit the needs of both pedestrians and cyclists providing a safe crossing point.
“The scheme also includes the relocation of a bus stop which will improve bus passenger experience and safety with a dedicated lay-by.”