People in Swindon encouraged to send messages of kindness to care home residents this festive period

People in Swindon are being encouraged to send their best wishes to residents in the Borough’s care homes this festive period, with the launch of a new campaign.

Published: Monday, 23rd November 2020

Cards for our Community title

As coronavirus case rates remain high across the country, many care home residents and other isolated individuals will be unable to see friends and family, or to take part in other social activities. As the festive season approaches and many social events are cancelled, sadly many will feel isolated or lonely.

To support these residents and to spread some joy over the upcoming festive period, Swindon Borough Council is launching Cards for Our Community, an initiative encouraging residents to send cards to care home residents and other isolated individuals across Swindon.

The Council is encouraging residents from across the borough to get involved over the coming weeks by having fun creating or writing cards, which will then be distributed ahead of the festive holidays.

Cards of any kind are welcome, from a shop-bought to card with a story written inside to a home-crafted card with a picture. The only ask is that cards contain happy and thoughtful messages to provide reassurance and support to those who may be struggling this year. They can be celebrating Christmas, Yule, or Hanukkah or just contain a supportive message.

The letters do not need to be addressed to an individual, and the person writing the message will not know those who would be receiving them.

All cards should be sent in by 16 December 2020 so they can be distributed ahead of the festive holiday.

Residents can post their cards into the Council at:

Cards for Our Community
Civic Offices
Euclid St

They can also drop them off at one of the four Borough Council libraries with opening hours available on the Council website:

  • Central library
  • Highworth Library
  • North Swindon Library
  • Parks Library

Earlier this year, during the first lockdown restrictions, the Council launched a similar initiative, Care Mail, which also encouraged residents to send in letters, cards and colourful drawings for people living in care homes across Swindon.

Through this campaign, over a hundred letters, pictures and cards were sent to care homes, spreading messages of hope and kindness to vulnerable residents.

Councillor Brian Ford, Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Adults and Health, said: “While the festive period is usually a time for celebration and fun, this year will be different for many vulnerable residents, many of whom will be unable to spend time with loved ones or take part in social activities.

“Residents in our care homes were extremely grateful for the Care Mail messages they received earlier this year and Cards for Our Community is an opportunity for people once again to put a smile on the faces of our most vulnerable residents.

“Throughout the pandemic it has been wonderful to see so many acts of kindness from people across our community. Over the festive period, when some people will be struggling more than ever, we would love to see more gestures of goodwill, to offer some hope and comfort for those at risk of feeling isolated and lonely, during what should be a time of celebration.”

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