Health and wellbeing support for care experienced young people

We care about your health and we want you to feel supported physically and emotionally to be as healthy as possible.

Everyone is unique and we all cope with challenges in different ways. It is important that you have a choice in what type of help you receive around your health and that it suits your needs.

If you are struggling there is always someone who can help.

You can talk to your Pathway Advisor (PA) or anyone in the Positive Futures Team.

Who can help me?

The Children Looked After Health Team have Specialist Nurses based at the Lyndhurst Centre Swindon with experience of working with all age groups to help with emotional health. If you want help to access this service contact them on 01793 464334.

Prescription charges for care experienced young people 16 to 25 year olds

Care experienced young people are eligible for free prescriptions if they are:

  • aged 16 to 18 and in full time education
  • receiving Universal Credit, Income Support, Income Based Employment and Support or Job Seekers Allowance
  • pregnant or have a baby in the last 12 months (you will need an exemption certificate from your GP)
  • have a condition that accepts you from prescription charges

Support for care experienced young people on a low income

Those on a low income can apply for a Health Credit Certificate known as an HC2 or HC3. This gives reduced cost or free dental and air eye checks/treatment as well as prescription charges. This is dependent on income and needs at the time you apply for support. Certificates can last from six months to five years depending on circumstances.

For details and an application form see the NHS Low Income Scheme.

National helplines

There are national helplines that can give you support and advice, such as:

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