Care experienced young people: Out of area support

You may find that you do not live in Swindon while you are in care or become a care leaver. This is called being placed ‘out of area’. This may mean that you can’t access some of the support Swindon has to offer because you are too far away from Swindon. However, this does not mean that there isn’t any support for you.

As a young person living out of area you are entitled to:

  • the same support as every other care experienced young person
  • a minimum of monthly contact. Contact is decided by you during conversations with your Pathway Advisor (PA). You can have as little or more much contact as you need.

Your PA will be able to help you find the best support for you no matter what area you are in. You should also be able to access some of the local offers given by other local authorities.

If you are interested in attending university the majority of universities have specific support for care experienced young people. Check out getting into university or speak to your PA about researching what university support you might be able to get.

There are also services that you should be able to access because they are national services.

These include (but are not limited to):

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