Getting help with autism - the EarlyBird programme
The EarlyBird programmes provide support and training for parents, carers and families when a child in the family has been diagnosed with Autism.
There are two programmes: EarlyBird and EarlyBird Plus.
The EarlyBird programmes are run as part of the Home Visiting Service through Swindon Portage.
This is a three-month parent programme that combines eight group training sessions with five individual home visits, where video feedback is available. The aim of the programme is to empower parents/carers and support families in the period between the diagnosis of Autism and school placement.
The EarlyBird programme is for families of pre-school children that have been diagnosed with Autism. Where a family is accepted onto the programme, two places are allocated per family.
EarlyBird Plus
This is a three-month training programme involving eight group sessions and two home visits. The aim of the programme is to empower parents/carers to encourage a consistent approach between home and school by training parents and childcare professionals together.
The EarlyBird Plus programme is for families of a child, between the ages of four and eight years-old, where the child has been diagnosed with Autism. Where the family is accepted onto the programme, three spaces are allocated to each family (two places for parents/carers and one for a childcare practitioner/professionals who is working with the child in school).
Accessing the service
Parents or carers of a child diagnosed with Autism can request these services directly. This should be done by:
- Email at: (please include your name and contact details and indicate the name of the programme for which you are applying)
- Telephone: 01793 465360
Once your application has been received and accepted, you will initially be placed on a waiting list for the appropriate programme. We will contact you again when a place becomes available on the programme.
Useful resources
Further information can be found on the National Portage Association website.