Find or request s106 or s52 documents

Temporary suspension of responses to s106 Planning Legal agreement compliance requests

We are temporarily suspending our non-statutory service of providing responses to s106 compliance requests being made by solicitors, property owners, and other organisations until further notice.

We are investigating ways it may be possible to publish compliance information for some of the larger residential developments across the Borough as a matter of public record that would be available to access through the planning application public access portal.

For some development sites, you may be able to access published information in the page below.

Section 106 (s106) or section 52 (s52) agreements are legal agreements that are often used on major and complex applications. They secure public benefits (planning obligations) from applicants that are needed to make the proposed development acceptable.

There are two types of documents that you might need when land or property is being sold:

  • a copy of signed s106 or s52 deeds
  • a letter confirming s106 or s52 compliance

To get copies of either one or both of these documents, you can either:

  • find them online yourself for free and get them immediately
  • request them from us, pay a fee and get them in around 20 working days

Find documents yourself

We make it as easy as possible to find documents yourself. 

First, check an alphabetical list of major developments in Swindon. You'll find a link to their associated planning documents.

Abbey Farm

Abbey Stadium

Alexandra Park

Former Princess Alexandra Hospital RAF hospital site, near Wroughton.

Angel Ridge

Former Princess Margaret Hospital site off Okus Road outline permission.

Badbury Park

Land at Commonhead off Marlborough Road.

Brunel Crescent

Former Land at Whitehouse Road.

Former Crosslink site

Former GWR Sport Ground

Former Zarlink Site

Haydon 2

Northern Development Area covering residential areas known as Taw Hill, Abbeymeads, St. Andrews Ridge and Groundwell.

Haydon 3

Northern Development Area covering Ash Brake, Haydon End, Oakhurst and Redhouse.

Nightingale Rise

Former Hreod School Site, Moredon Rd / Akers Way.

Oakley Park

Former St. Joseph’s School site off Nythe Road / Dorcan Way.

Royal mead

Former Okus Industrial Estate off Okus Road.

Tadpole Garden Village


Southern Development Area.


Deeds are uploaded under the relevant planning permission application reference number, mainly bound to the outline permission (rather than reserved matters application reference) or the full permission.

In most cases where the original deed is varied, those deeds of variations will be uploaded alongside the original deed under the original permission application reference. Where there are supplemental deeds linked to a new permission, these may be uploaded under the new permission application reference number.

Almost no deeds relating to the original West Swindon area (Toothill, Freshbook, Westlea, Grange Park, Shaw) or East Swindon (Liden, Dorcan, Eldene, Nythe) are publicly available electronically. Those available are uploaded under the relevant planning permission reference numbers.

If the development isn't on the list:

You can search our database of planning documents. You will need the original planning permission reference, which is on your local land charges search.

If you cannot find the documents you're looking for, you can request them from us.

Notes about searching for documents

As planning permission will often pre-date road naming and property addressing, you will need the original application reference to search. Using the property address may not bring up the planning history.

Deeds are uploaded under the relevant planning permission application reference number, mainly bound to the outline permission (rather than reserved matters application reference) or the full permission.

In most cases where the original deed is varied, those deeds of variations will be uploaded alongside the original deed under the original permission application reference. Where there are supplemental deeds linked to a new permission, these may be uploaded under the new permission application reference number.

Almost no deeds relating to the original West Swindon area (Toothill, Freshbook, Westlea, Grange Park, Shaw) or East Swindon (Liden, Dorcan, Eldene, Nythe) are publicly available electronically. Those available are uploaded under the relevant planning permission reference numbers.

Wootton Bassett, and the development sites of Moredon Bridge (known as Moredon View) and Ridgeway Farm (both off Purton Road) are in Wiltshire County Council’s (WCC) administrative area not the borough of Swindon.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to confirm all the obligations have been complied with. Some are valid in perpetuity so can never be discharged. For development sites still under construction, the triggers to comply with an obligation may not have been reached.

Compliance information is only valid for a limited period so should only ever be used to support the current property sale. The information may change over time.

Request documents from us

To request documents from us, you will need:

  • copies of the planning charges and planning decisions sections of the local search response, scanned and ready to upload
  • planning permission reference number
  • a debit card to pay a fee of:
    • £24 including VAT for deeds
    • £151.20 including VAT for compliance letters

You can request multiple copies of deeds documents for a single property address. However, there will be a charge for each document. 

For compliance letter requests, there is one charge linked to all deeds relating to the same property address.

We aim to respond within 20 working days. If the matter is complex or the development was granted planning permission before 2000, it may take us up to 40 working days to respond.

Request s106 or s52 deeds

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