Engagement on a new path between Queens Drive and Marlowe Avenue

As part of the wider improvement plans for this area, we are proposing to construct a new path for cyclists and pedestrians along the Park North side of Buckhurst Field.

This route is approximately 1 mile in length and provides an alternative link between Queens Drive, from the New College junction and Marlowe Avenue, at the junction with Twyford Close.

This proposal features in our Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, which was adopted in 2022 and sets out the key aspirations for the borough’s network over the next ten years.

Further information on this scheme proposal, including a plan of the route can be viewed on the South Swindon Parish council website.

Comments on this proposal can be submitted by email to: transportplanning@swindon.gov.uk or alternatively you can submit in writing to:

Transport Planning
Swindon Borough Council
5th Floor Wat Tyler House
Beckhampton Street

The closing date for comments is Friday, 26 April 2024.

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