Application for access to personal data (subject access request)

About this form

Under the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) you have the right to request any personal data that the Council holds about you by making a subject access request. There is no fee for this service.

Swindon Borough Council’s Data Protection Officer is responsible for dealing with all formal requests for access to personal information, but you can express an interest to see your personal information to any council officer, or via the following online application process.  

Warning – a person who unlawfully obtains, or attempts to unlawfully obtain personal information is guilty of a criminal offence and is liable to prosecution.

What happens next

From the receipt of your completed request and proofs of identity and address, we will normally respond with a copy of the requested information within one calendar month, but the law does allow us to extend the response deadline by a further two months where a request is particularly large, or complex. We will, however, make every attempt to provide information as quickly as possible.     

Form requirements

  • The documents you need to support your request are photo ID (passport or driving licence) for under 13 year olds (birth certificate or evidence of child benefit), should be photographed or scanned and ready to upload.
  • Proof of address in the form of a utility bill, bank statement or other official document should also be photographed or scanned and be ready to upload.

PadlockPrivacy Notice

By completing the following form, you confirm you have read and understood our Privacy Notice, which outlines how we intend to use your personal data.

Please read the Privacy Notice before continuing
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