Apply for a pavement licence

On 31 March 2024, the Levelling up and Regeneration Act 2023 came into force and now supersedes the temporary arrangements introduced under the Business and Planning Act 2020. Within the new permanent LURA, the following provisions now apply:

  • First time applications will now be charged at £200 and renewals will be charged at £100
  • Licences will be issued for 12 months. Applicants are expected to abide by the conditions of their licence and any complaints received will be investigated.
  • All licences will be renewed annually
  • 14 day public consultation now applies for new applicants
  • Refer to the guidance notes for further information
  • Those wishing to apply for a new or renewal of a licence should send the appropriate application form and documents to
  • Payments can be made online using the payment facility, otherwise an invoice can be requested

How to apply

To apply for a new pavement licence or renew an existing, you must complete the application form and submit it electronically by email to

The application fee is £200 for new applications and £100 for renewals, which can be paid online below once your application has been approved.

Pay for a pavement cafe licence online

Contact us

For all enquiries about pavement licences:

The Enforcement Office
Highway Management Group
Swindon Borough Council
Wat Tyler House
Beckhampton Street
SN1 2J


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