Designated healthcare services for children in care
The Children Looked After health service is provided by a team of specialists, nurses and a mental health outreach workers who are based at the Saltway Centre Swindon.
Together, with the help of paediatricians from the Great Western Hospital, the 0 to 19 public health team and social workers, the service provides flexible support for the physical and emotional health needs of children in care from 0 to 18 years old.
It also provides signposting support to care experienced young people over 18 years, around accessing the most appropriate health services, and provides training to foster carers helping to build on relationships and support pathways for children and young people.
All children and young people up to 18 years old, under our care and wherever they are living, are automatically eligible for this support. This includes health assessments and health careplans that will help identify health needs and provide support to achieve the best health outcomes possible.
The service is open to any child or young person under the care of Swindon Borough Council and anyone can contact the service to request support.
You can contact the service on 01793 464334.